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Top Rated Alabama Attractions

Like most of the Southern States, Alabama has a rich history, natural beauty and mix of the cultural traditions. The state was conquered for thousands of years before Europeans reached the country and it instantly became one of the largest cotton producing states in the US. With a rich history, the state is truly beautiful with the many natural and man-made attractions distributed all over the state. If you are planning to visit Alabama then, do take the time to visit these top must-see Alabama Attractions at least once.

Little River Canyon: Little River flows much of its course over Lookout Mountain, which marks the intersection of Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia. The Little River Canyon, filled with the impressive rock formations and river-smoothed bluffs, forms one of the deepest, most intricate gorge systems in the Eastern USA. A wheelchair-accessible the boardwalk leads to the Little River Falls, while within the park you can just peak out on the blending of the forest, mountain and stream ecosystems.

Legacy Museum: The Legacy Museum is a companion to the National Memorial for peace and Justice, artfully explains the roots of institutionalized bias in the USA, and indicate how the issue, far from being a relic of the past, informs society in the 21st century. Legacy Museum is a 0.8-mile walk from the memorial; free shuttles connect the locations. Especially powerful are jars of soil from lynching locations across the country.

Moundville Archaeological Park: One of the largest and best-secure sites of the pre-Columbian Mississippian civilization sits outside of the modern Moundville, about 17 miles south of Tuscaloosa. Here, on the darkly forested banks of the Black Warrior River, rest the verdant remains of a Mississippian mound city and an exceptional museum, all maintain by the Moundville Archaeological Park.

Civil Rights Memorial: At 400 Washington Avenue, you will find the Civil Rights Memorial. The Memorial is a black granite circle carve with the names of the civil rights martyrs, honoring those people who gave up their lives for civil rights. The memorial was designed by the Maya Lin, the same person who designed the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and it can be visited free of the charge. Also, you can visit there at any time of day, every day of the year.

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